트럼프 이후 변화... 디즈니, 다양성보다 성과(Disney making changes to its DEI efforts)

디즈니(Disney)가 기존 다양성, 형평성, 포용성(DEI) 프로그램을 비즈니스 성과에 더 집중하는 방향으로 변경하고 있다.  

악시오스(AXIOS)에 따르면 디즈니는 임원 보상 평가에서 "다양성 및 포용성" 요소를 "인재 전략(Talent Strategy)" 요소로 대체한다. 새로운 "인재 전략" 요소는 기존의 "다양성 및 포용성" 개념을 포함하지만 가치가 비즈니스 성공을 어떻게 이끄는지에 더 초점을 맞출 것으로 보인다. 물론 이런 조치가 트럼프 정부의 DEI 철폐 기조에 맞추려는 의도라는 분석도 있다.

Disney is changing its existing diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) program to focus more on business outcomes.

According to AXIOS, Disney is replacing the "Diversity and Inclusion" factor in executive compensation evaluations with a "Talent Strategy" factor.

The new "Talent Strategy" element will include the traditional "diversity and inclusion" concepts, but will focus more on how values drive business success. Some analysts have speculated that this is a move to align with the Trump administration's push to eliminate DEI.

DEI 정책 개편

  • 디즈니는 DEI(다양성·형평성·포용성) 프로그램을 개편해 비즈니스 성과와 더욱 밀접히 연결하려고 함.
  • 임원 보상 평가 요소였던 “Diversity & Inclusion” 항목을 “Talent Strategy”로 대체하고, 가치와 사업 성공 간의 연관성을 강조할 예정.

브랜딩 및 웹사이트 변경

  • 소수자 커뮤니티 이야기와 인재를 부각해온 ‘Reimagine Tomorrow’ 이니셔티브와 해당 웹사이트를 폐지.
  • 새로운 DEI 허브는 디즈니 기업 웹사이트와 내부망으로 이전.
  • 임직원 자원봉사 조직인 “BERGs(Business Employee Resource Groups)”를 Belonging Employee Resource Groups”로 재브랜딩하여, 직원 커뮤니티 활성화에 초점을 맞춤.

Revamped DEI policy

  • Disney is revamping its diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) program to more closely align it with business performance.
  • The company will replace "Diversity & Inclusion" as a factor in executive compensation with "Talent Strategy" and emphasize the connection between values and business success.
  • Branding and website changes
  • Retiring the Reimagine Tomorrow initiative and its website, which highlighted stories and talent from minority communities.
  • The new DEI hub will be moved to the Disney corporate website and internal network.
  • Rebranded employee volunteer organization "Business Employee Resource Groups" (BERGs) to Belonging Employee Resource Groups, with a focus on activating employee communities.

콘텐츠 고지 사항 변경

This program includes negative depictions and/or mistreatment of people or cultures. These stereotypes were wrong then and are wrong now. Rather than remove this content, we want to acknowledge its harmful impact, learn from it and spark conversation to create a more inclusive future together. Disney is committed to creating stories with inspirational and aspirational themes that reflect the rich diversity of the human experience around the globe.”

  • 대신 작품 상세 정보 섹션에 짧게 “본 프로그램은 원본 그대로 제공되며 고정관념 또는 부정적 묘사가 포함될 수 있음” 정도의 약식 문구로 대체.(This program is presented as originally created, It may contain outdated cultural depictions.)

배경 및 맥락

  • 디즈니는 전통적으로 가족 친화적 브랜드로 정치적 문제에 거리를 두었으나,
  • 플로리다 주지사 론 디샌티스와의 갈등(“Don’t Say Gay” 법안 반대)이 대중적으로 부각되며 정치적 공세의 대상이 되었음.
  • 2022년 CEO로 복귀한 밥 아이거는 ‘엔터테인먼트 중심’이라는 디즈니 본연의 가치로 회귀하고자 노력 중.

비즈니스적 영향

  • Axios Harris 100 조사에 따르면, 2023년 대비 2024~2025년 공화당 지지층 사이에서 디즈니 평판이 상당히 상승.
  • 2024년 북미 박스오피스 1위 배급사로 등극(“인사이드 아웃 2”, “모아나 2” 등 가족 콘텐츠의 성공).
  • 최근 다른 기업들도 정치·사회 분위기에 맞춰 DEI 프로그램을 재정비하는 추세와 맥을 같이함.

3. 추가 분석 (Analysis)

비즈니스 성과 연계 (Linking DEI to Business Outcomes)

  • 디즈니가 DEI 요소를 임원 보상 체계에서 제외하지 않고 Talent Strategy”로 재편한 것은,
    여전히 포용적 조직 문화를 유지하되, 수익성과 성장에 직결되는 측면을 강조하기 위함으로 해석 가능.
  • 이는 일각에서 제기된 “DEI 과잉” 비판을 완화하면서도, 내부적으로는 인재 다양성을 지속 추구하려는 전략적 절충으로 보임.

정치·사회적 압력 (Political & Social Pressures)

  • 미국 내 보수층 반발로 인해, 기업들이 공개적 DEI 캠페인을 축소하거나 재브랜딩하는 움직임이 증가.
  • 디즈니 역시 플로리다州 정치적 갈등 이후 정치적 중립핵심 가치(엔터테인먼트) 사이에서 균형을 맞추려는 기조.

콘텐츠 수익 창출과 브랜드 이미지 (Content Monetization & Brand Image)

  • 고전 작품 경고 문구를 “상세 정보”로 이동하는 조치는 소비자 시청 경험을 방해하지 않으면서,
    역사적 맥락을 완전히 지우지 않는 절충안으로 볼 수 있음.
  • 가족 중심 이미지·IP 프랜차이즈(“인사이드 아웃”, “모아나” 등)로 견고한 수익 창출브랜드 충성도를 확보하는 전략적 노선 유지.

향후 전망 (Future Implications)

  • DEI 프로그램 재정비가 일시적 트렌드인지, 장기 전략인지 지켜볼 필요가 있음.
  • 디즈니가 엔터테인먼트 중심 기조를 강조하면서도 사회적 가치를 어떻게 조화시킬지가 핵심 과제로 남음.

4. 결론 (Conclusion)

  • 디즈니의 이번 DEI 재편은 기업의 핵심 사업(엔터테인먼트)과 사회적 책임(포용성) 간의 균형점을 찾기 위한 움직임으로 해석됨.
  • 정치·사회적 환경 변화 속에서, 가족 친화적 브랜드 이미지를 지키면서도 포용적 기업 문화를 유지하려는 노력이 이어질 것으로 보임.
  • 이와 같은 변화는 다른 글로벌 대기업들 역시 DEI 정책을 재검토·조정하는 흐름과 맞물려 진행될 전망.

Disney’s DEI Shift

  • Disney is making changes to its DEI programs to tie them more closely to business outcomes.
  • The old “Diversity & Inclusion” performance factor for executive compensation will be replaced with a “Talent Strategy” factor that focuses on how values drive business success.

Rebranding & Websites

  • Disney is phasing out its “Reimagine Tomorrow” initiative and corresponding website that highlighted stories from underrepresented groups.
  • The new DEI hub is located on Disney’s corporate website and internal network.
  • The internal “Business Employee Resource Groups (BERGs)” have been rebranded as “Belonging Employee Resource Groups”, emphasizing strengthening the workplace community.

Content Advisory Changes

  • Disney is removing the auto-play content advisory disclaimers from certain older titles on Disney+ (e.g., “Dumbo,” “Peter Pan”), which previously warned of potential negative stereotypes.
  • Instead, a shortened advisory will be placed in the “details” section for each title, reading: “This program is presented as originally created and may contain stereotypes or negative depictions.”

Context & Background

  • Disney, historically known for family-friendly content, has faced political scrutiny, notably from Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis over the “Don’t Say Gay” bill.
  • CEO Bob Iger, since returning in 2022, has sought to refocus on Disney’s core values and entertainment-driven mission.
  • Brand perception among Republicans has improved since 2023, per Axios Harris 100 poll data.

Business Impact

  • Disney led the North American box office in 2024, driven by family-friendly franchises such as “Inside Out 2” and “Moana 2.”
  • These moves align with broader trends of Fortune 500 companies adjusting or rolling back some DEI initiatives under political and market pressures.

디즈니의 최고 인사 책임자 소니아 콜멘(Sonia Coleman)은 경영진에게 보낸 메모에서 회사의 DEI 노력에 대한 변경 사항을 설명했다. 콜멘은 "직원과 고객을 환영하고 존중하는 환경을 조성하는 것은 우리 회사 문화와 비즈니스의 핵심입니다."라고 말했다.

콜멘은 "청렴성, 창의성, 협업, 커뮤니티, 포용성 등 우리의 가치는 우리의 행동과 서로를 대하는 방식을 안내합니다. 오늘 저는 이러한 가치가 리더 보상 프로그램, 특히 기타 성과 요소(OPF)에 어떻게 내재되어 있는지에 대한 업데이트와 함께 이러한 가치에 부합하는 인재 전략을 발전시키기 위해 진행 중인 몇 가지 작업을 공유하고자 한다"

“Creating a welcoming and respectful environment for our employees and guests is core to our company culture and our business,” Coleman wrote.

“Our values — integrity, creativity, collaboration, community, inclusion — guide our actions and how we treat each other.

Today I want to provide an update on how our values are embedded in our leader compensation programs, specifically our Other Performance Factors (OPFs), as well as share some of the work that has been underway to evolve our talent strategy consistent with these values.”

버라이어티에서 입수한 메모 전문은 아래에서 확인할 수 있다. Read the full note, which was obtained by Variety, below.

Executive Leaders,

For over 100 years, Disney has entertained and inspired generations of families from all walks of life around the world. We create entertainment that appeals to a global audience, and having a workforce that reflects the consumers we serve helps drive our business. With more than 230,000 dedicated employees and Cast Members in more than 40 countries across six continents, Disney has long believed that the rich variety of talents and experiences our employees bring to their work is good for our business and enhances the experience of our global consumers, audiences, and guests.

Creating a welcoming and respectful environment for our employees and guests is core to our company culture and our business. Our values — integrity, creativity, collaboration, community, inclusion — guide our actions and how we treat each other. Today I want to provide an update on how our values are embedded in our leader compensation programs, specifically our Other Performance Factors (OPFs), as well as share some of the work that has been underway to evolve our talent strategy consistent with these values.

Other Performance Factors (OPFs): Beginning this fiscal year, we are adding a new “Talent Strategy” factor to our executive compensation planning. This factor will assess how leaders uphold our company values, incorporate different perspectives to drive business success, cultivate an environment where all employees can thrive, and sustain a robust pipeline to ensure long-term organizational strength. This new factor represents an evolution of important concepts in the former Diversity & Inclusion OPF and will be used alongside our other two OPFs, “Storytelling & Creativity” and “Synergy.”

As many of you know, we have spent the last year partnering with stakeholders across the company to discuss the evolution of our strategic framework for advancing our commitment to being welcoming, respectful, and inclusive in how we operate so we are the best place to work. The resulting framework — which we released in December — is designed to align our initiatives with our business goals and company values, centered around four key pillars:

People: We reach and attract the best, most talented people around the world and foster barrier-free talent processes for everyone.

Culture: We purposefully champion a culture where everyone belongs and can contribute to our business success.

Market Reach: We create unforgettable stories, experiences, and products that entertain and resonate globally.

Community: We learn from and support under-served communities by establishing and investing in impactful relationships with organizations and business stakeholders.

As we developed this new framework, we looked at ways to enhance our programs and practices to strengthen our workplace environment, in service of our business. While some of you are already familiar with what’s new, we wanted to highlight some of the key developments:

New Online Destination: In December, we added our new framework to our corporate Impact website and the Belong hub on MyDisneyToday, with a focus on our above pillars and continued progress. This new framework, rooted in our efforts to enhance our employee experience, marks the evolution of the significant work done with Reimagine Tomorrow and succeeds that branding.

Employee Groups: Last year, we began the process of unifying and streamlining our global enterprise-wide Belonging Employee Resource Groups (BERGs) structure, and rebranded the “B” in BERG from “Business” to “Belonging” to highlight that our employee groups’ role is focused on strengthening our employee community and workplace experience.

While this will continue to evolve, what won’t change is our commitment to fostering a company culture where everyone belongs and everyone can excel, enabling us to deliver the globally appealing entertainment that drives our business.

Warm regards,

디지털 시대, 새로운 정보를 받아보세요!
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