Super Bowl finally touchdown on FAST Tubi
폭스(FOX)의 무료 광고 기반 스트리밍 TV FAST 투비(Tubi)가 슈퍼볼(Super bowl)에 진출하면서 프리미엄 스포츠 중계에 도전장을 내밀었다. 미국에서 가장 비싼 스포츠인 NFL의 주요 경기 중계를 FAST가 맡는건 이번이 처음이다. FAST시대가 왔다.
폭스 스포츠는 오는 2월 9일 진행되는 NFL 결승전 슈퍼볼 LIX 중계에 투비(Tubi)를 투입했다고 밝혔다. 과거 폭스는 디지털의 경우 복스 스포츠 디지털 플랫폼을 이용했었다. 폭스 이런 결정은 FAST투비가 완전한 메인 스트림에 들어왔다는 것을 의미한다. 투비의 스트리밍은 4K로 제공된다 .
이번 슈퍼볼은 폭스, 폭스 스포츠, NBC유니버셜의 텔레문도(Telemundo)에서 방송된다. 하지만, 슈퍼볼 실시간 중계가 투비를 통해 제공됨에 따라 시청자들은 경기를 보기 위해 케이블TV 등을 구독하지 않아도 된다. 미디어 플랫폼에 따라 광고량은 같다.
오후 3시 30분에 시작해 올리비아 컬포가 진행하는 '슈퍼볼 LIX의 튜비 레드카펫(Tubi Red Carpet at Super Bowl LIX)'과 함께 폭스 스포츠의 프리 게임 쇼(프로그램) 역시 투비에서 방송된다.
투비의 NFL프로그램도 유명인, 패션, 문화를 다룰 예정이다. 투비(Tubi) NFL 채널은 1월 28일부터 역대 슈퍼볼 영상, 상징적인 하프타임 쇼, 베스트 오브 NFL 아너스, NFL 분석 등이 포함된 "카운트다운 투 더 슈퍼볼(Countdown to the Super Bowl)" 프로그램을 방송한다.
Tubi, FOX's free ad-supported streaming TV FAST, is taking on the challenge of premium sports coverage as it heads to the Super Bowl. This is the first time FAST will be broadcasting a major NFL game, the most expensive sport in America.

FAST's time has come.
Fox Sports announced that it has tapped Tubi to broadcast Super Bowl LIX, the NFL's big game on Feb. 9. In the past, Fox has used the Vox Sports digital platform for digital. Fox's decision marks the first time FAST Tubi has gone fully mainstream. Tubi's streams will be available in 4K.
The Super Bowl will be broadcast on Fox, Fox Sports, and NBCUniversal's Telemundo. However, with the Super Bowl live stream on Tubi, viewers won't need a cable subscription to watch the game. The amount of advertising will be the same across media platforms.
Fox Sports' pre-game show will also air on Tubi, along with "Tubi Red Carpet at Super Bowl LIX," hosted by Olivia Culpo, starting at 3:30 p.m.
Tubi's NFL programming will also cover celebrities, fashion, and culture. Beginning January 28, Tubi's NFL channel will air "Countdown to the Super Bowl," featuring footage from every Super Bowl, the iconic halftime show, Best of NFL Honors, NFL analysis and more.
폭스는 슈퍼볼 이벤트에 보다 많은 시청자를 끌어모으기 위해 다양한 프로그램을 준비했다.
슈퍼볼을 활용해 다른 콘텐츠를 집중 조명하기 위한 노력의 일환으로 2월 7일(금) 경기 당일 정오부터 "퍼스트 씽스 퍼스트(First Things First)", "더 퍼설리티(The Facility)", "스피크(Speak)", "브렉퍼스트 볼(Breakfast Ball)과 함께 "더 허드 위드 콜린 카우허드(The Herd with Colin Cowherd)" 등 Fox Sports 1 프로그램을 방영 할 예정이다.
Fox has a wide variety of programming to attract more viewers to the Super Bowl event.
In an effort to leverage the Super Bowl to spotlight other content, Fox Sports 1 will air "First Things First," "The Facility," "Speak," "Breakfast Ball" and "The Herd with Colin Cowherd" beginning at noon on game day, Friday, Feb. 7, along with "The Herd with Colin Cowherd.
투비는 시청자 우선 주의로 9,700만 명 MAU달성
한편, 투비 CEO 안잘리 수드(Anjali Sud)는 CES2025에서 열린 S스페이스 세션에 참석해 시청자 우선주의에 중점을 둔 투비는 다양한 스토리텔링을 지원하며 고급 콘텐츠 보다 시청자 참여를 우선시 한다고 밝혔다. 투비는 오리지널 콘텐츠와 향수를 불러일으키는 인기 콘텐츠 등 다양한 선택지를 제공해 월간 활성 이용자 수(MAU)가 9,700만 명에 달한다고 밝혔다.
또 그녀는 “투비는 혁신적인 접근 방식을 통해 개인화된 틈새 콘텐츠를 제공함으로써 기존 TV의 획일화된 문화를 깨고 있다”며 “투비는 시청자가 품질을 직접 정의할 수 있어 특히 진정성 있고 공감할 수 있는 콘텐츠를 갈망하는 젊은 세대에게 어필한다.
시청자가 스토리텔링과 상호 작용하는 방식을 재편 하고 있다”고 설명했다(Overall, Tubi is reshaping how audiences interact with storytelling by fostering authenticity and connection to their experiences)
특히, 투비는 전체 시청자의 75%가 Z세대와 밀레니얼 세대라면 광고주들도 선호하고 있다며 틈새 소비자의 황동도 소중하게 생각하고 있다고 그녀는 밝혔다.
Toobi reaches 97 million MAUs by putting viewers first
Meanwhile, Tubi CEO Anjali Sud said during an SSpace session at CES 2025 that Tubi focus on putting viewers first enables diverse storytelling and prioritizes audience engagement over quality content.
Tubi has 97 million monthly active users (MAUs) by offering a wide variety of choices, including original content and nostalgic favorites, Sud said.
"With its innovative approach to delivering personalized, niche content, Tubi is breaking the cookie-cutter culture of traditional TV," she said.

"Tubi allows viewers to define quality, which appeals especially to younger generations who crave authentic and relatable content.
Overall, Tubi is reshaping how audiences interact with storytelling by fostering authenticity and connection to their experiences." (Overall, Tubi is reshaping how audiences interact with storytelling by fostering authenticity and connection to their experiences)
In particular, Tubi is a favorite of advertisers, with 75% of its audience being Gen Z and Millennials, but it also values the brass of niche consumers, she said.
수드의 CES 인터뷰 및 주요 내용
1. 🎬 Tubi: A Leading Free Streaming Platform
- 투비(Tubi) 미국서 가장 많이 시청하는 무료 스트리밍 서비스 광범위한 영화 및 TV 프로그램 컬렉션 제공
- 광고 지원 모델로 운영되며, 시청자에게 완전히 무료로 콘텐츠를 제공하는 것이 이 서비스의 매력 중 하나
- 10여 년 전 실리콘밸리에서 시작된 투비는 스토리텔링의 단순성과 접근성을 지향하며 젊은 시청자를 타겟
- 투비 최근 월간 활성 사용자 수 9,700만 명이라는 이정표를 달성하며 강력한 성장과 매력을 입증.
- 성공은 시청자에게 쉬운 접근성과 선택권을 제공하는 능력에 기인
- Tubi is renowned as the most watched free streaming service in America, offering an extensive collection of movies and TV shows.
- It operates on an ad-supported model, providing content completely free for viewers, which is part of its appeal.
- Originating over a decade ago in Silicon Valley, Tubi aims for simplicity and accessibility in storytelling, targeting younger audiences.
- Tubi recently achieved a milestone of 97 million monthly active users, signifying strong growth and appeal.
- The platform's success is attributed to its ability to provide easy access and choice for its audience.
2. 📺투비 시청자 우선 전략과 콘텐츠 전략(Tubi's Viewer-First Philosophy and Content Strategy)
- 투비는 시청자 우선주의 접근 방식을 우선시하여 시청자가 양질의 스토리텔링을 구성하는 요소를 결정할 수 있도록 함
- 이 플랫폼은 할리우드 영화, 향수를 불러일으키는 TV 프로그램, 다른 곳에서는 볼 수 없는 독특한 오리지널 작품 등 다양한 콘텐츠를 제공
- 독립 유통업체와 협력하여 독점 오리지널 콘텐츠를 제작함으로써 차별화된 서비스를 강화
- 다양한 형태의 콘텐츠를 실험하며 제공하는 콘텐츠의 유연성을 유지.
- 투비는 팬이 주도하는 콘텐츠에 집중하고 있으며, 시청자의 선호도를 충족하기 위해 TikTok 및 Reddit과 같은 플랫폼으로 범위를 확장
- Tubi prioritizes a viewer-first approach, allowing audiences to decide what constitutes quality storytelling.
- The platform features a diverse range of content, including Hollywood movies, nostalgic TV shows, and unique original works not found elsewhere. [2-5]
- Tubi collaborates with independent distributors to produce exclusive original content, enhancing its distinct offerings.
- The company experiments with various forms of content, maintaining flexibility in what they provide.
- Tubi focuses on engaging with fan-driven content, even extending its reach to platforms like TikTok and Reddit to meet audience preferences.
3. 📺 투비 다양한 콘텐츠 전략(Diverse Content Strategies on Tubi)
- 투비의 가장 성공적인 콘텐츠는 예상치 못한 히트작으로 기존 할리우드와는 다른 경우가 많음
- 롤폼 콘텐츠에 중점을 두지만 Tubi는 창의적인 스토리텔링 기회를 모색.
- 디트로이트에 관한 한 영화 제작자의 자체 제작 영화는 투비(Tubi)에서 수백만 건의 조회수를 기록.
- 투비 틱톡 스타 노아 벡( Noah Beck)과 협업하여 인기 있는 와트패드 소설을 원작으로 한 오리지널을 공개하여 기록적인 조회수를 달성
- 팬들은 소셜 미디어에서 적극 참여하여 사용자 제작 콘텐츠(UGC)를 제작하여 가시성과 도달 범위를 높여
- Tubi's most successful content often differs from traditional Hollywood, featuring unexpected hits.
- Despite a focus on long-form content, Tubi explores creative storytelling opportunities.
- A Detroit filmmaker's self-funded film about Detroit garners millions of views on Tubi.
- Tubi collaborated with TikTok star Noah Beck, releasing an original based on a popular Wattpad novel, achieving record-breaking views.
- Fans actively engage on social media, creating user-generated content (UGC), boosting visibility and reach.
4. 📺 투비의 스트리밍 시장 독특한 포지션(Tubi's Unique Position in the Streaming Landscape)
- 투비는 기존의 획일적인 프로그래밍 접근 방식에서 벗어나 문화의 미개척 잠재력을 탐구.
- 천편일률적인 모델 대신 개인별 경험에 맞춰 스토리를 구성하는 개인 맞춤형 콘텐츠를 우선시.
- 투비는 시청자가 품질 을 직접 정의할 수 있어 특히 진정성 있고 공감할 수 있는 콘텐츠를 갈망하는 젊은 세대에게 어필.
- 가격 및 구독 피로도가 높은 파편화된 스트리밍 환경에서 투비는 단순성을 유지하고 시청자를 최우선으로 생각한다는 점에서 돋보임
- 투비는 라이선스 콘텐츠와 오리지널 콘텐츠를 모두 제공하여 선택의 폭을 넓히는 동시에 효과적인 콘텐츠 검색과 큐레이션에 집중
- Tubi is exploring untapped potential in culture by breaking away from the traditional monolithic approach to programming.
- The platform prioritizes personalized content, aligning stories with individual experiences rather than a one-size-fits-all model.
- Tubi allows audiences to define quality themselves, appealing especially to younger generations who crave authenticity and relatable content.
- In a fragmented streaming landscape with pricing and subscription fatigue, Tubi stands out by maintaining simplicity and putting viewers first.
- Tubi offers both licensed content and originals, providing a wide choice while focusing on effective content discovery and curation.
4.1. Breaking the Monoculture in Media Consumption
- 기존의 프로그램은 시청자가 같은 시간에 같은 콘텐츠를 시청하는 모놀리식 방식.
- 최신 미디어는 단일 스토리 접근 방식에서 벗어나 개인화된 콘텐츠에 대한 온디맨드 액세스를 가능.
- 모든 스토리의 품질을 판단하는 것이 아니라 모든 스토리가 독자를 찾도록 돕는 데 초점을 맞추고 있습니다.
- 젊은 세대는 자신의 경험에 공감할 수 있는 진정한 스토리텔링을 추구.
- 오늘날 수많은 스트리밍 옵션은 다양한 콘텐츠 접근성을 향한 이러한 변화를 잘 보여줌
- Traditional programming was monolithic, where audiences tuned into the same content at the same time.
- Modern media allows on-demand access to personalized content, moving away from a singular story approach.
- The focus is on helping every story find its audience, not on judging quality.
- Younger generations seek authentic storytelling that resonates with their experiences.
- The plethora of streaming options today exemplifies this shift towards diverse content accessibility.
4.2. 진화하는 스트리밍 환경에서 Tubi의 독보적인 위치(Tubi's Unique Position in the Evolving Streaming Landscape)
- 2025년 스트리밍은 티어, 가격 인상, 시청자의 피로감 등 파편화와 마찰로 점철될 것
- 투비는 단순함과 시청자 우선 접근 방식에 집중하여 경쟁이 심화되는 가운데 신선한 경험을 제공
- 투비는 시청자의 욕구에 기반한 독특한 전략을 추구함으로써 '남들이 지그재그할 때 지그재그'하는 것을 목표로 하며, 시끄러운 시장에서 차별화를 꾀하고 있음
- 이 서비스는 틈새 관심사를 중시하여 이를 핵심 서비스로 전환하고, 독특한 콘텐츠로 참여를 보장
- 경쟁 치열한 시장에서 투비 모멘텀은 계속해서 성장하고 있으며, 이는 혁신적인 전략이 성공했음을 나타냄
- In 2025, streaming is marked by fragmentation and friction, with tiers, price hikes, and fatigue affecting viewers.
- Tubi focuses on simplicity and a viewer-first approach, offering a refreshing experience amid broader competition. [4-16]
- Tubi aims to "zig when others zag" by pursuing a unique strategy based on audience desires, differentiating itself in a noisy market.
- The service values niche interests, transforming them into core offerings, ensuring engagement with unique content.
- Tubi's momentum in the competitive market continues to grow, indicating the success of its innovative strategies.
4.3. 투비 다양한 콘텐츠 전략(Tubi's Diverse Content Strategies)
- 투비(Tubi)는 방대하고 다양한 카탈로그를 통해 라이선스 콘텐츠와 오리지널 콘텐츠를 모두 제공하며 향수를 불러일으키는 시청 경험을 제공합니다.
- 이 서비스는 주요 스튜디오와 협력하여 유료 플랫폼에서도 볼 수 있는 가십걸과 같은 인기 프로그램에 무료로 액세스할 수 있음
- 투비(Tubi)는 수익 배분 기반의 롱테일 오퍼링을 포함한 다양한 콘텐츠를 지원하며, 파격적인 콘텐츠에 열려 있습니다.
- 이 플랫폼은 수백 개의 오리지널 제작물을 보유하고 있으며, 사용자의 약 4분의 1이 투비(Tubi) 오리지널을 시청하는 것으로 나타나 그 중요성을 반영.
- 투비 콘텐츠 검색 및 큐레이션에서 선택과 개인화를 강조하며 시청자 개개인의 선호도를 이해하고 이에 부응하기 위해 노력
- Tubi offers nostalgic viewing, providing both licensed and original content with a vast and diverse catalog.
- The service collaborates with major studios, offering free access to popular shows, like Gossip Girl, which are also available on paid platforms.
- Tubi supports diverse content, including long-tail offerings on a revenue share basis, open to unconventional content.
- The platform boasts hundreds of original productions, with nearly a quarter of users watching Tubi originals, reflecting their importance in the catalog.
- Tubi emphasizes choice and personalization in content discovery and curation, aiming to understand and cater to individual viewer preferences.
4.4. Tubi's Attraction for Advertisers
- 투비 플랫폼이 확장되고 인지도가 높아짐에 따라 광고주의 미디어 전략서 중요한 부분을 차지하게 됐음
- 현재 포춘 100대 브랜드 중 절반 이상이 투비(Tubi)를 통해 광고를 집행하고 있어 그 영향력이 커지고 있음을 알 수 있음
- 광고주들은 다른 플랫폼과 비교할 수 없는 투비 참여도와 점진적인 오디언스 증가에 매력을 느끼고 있음
- 투비(Tubi) 시청자의 65%는 코드 커터(주로 Z세대와 밀레니얼 세대).
- 다양하고 다문화적이며 종종 과소평가되는 틈새 시청자의 관심사를 중요하게 생각
- Tubi has become a significant part of advertisers' media strategies as the platform scales and gains recognition.
- Currently, over half of Fortune 100 brands are advertising on Tubi, indicating its growing influence.
- Advertisers are drawn to Tubi's engaged and incremental audience, which is unique compared to other platforms.
- A notable 65% of Tubi's audience are cord-cutters, primarily Gen Z and millennials.
- The platform overserves diverse, multicultural, and often underestimated niche audiences, valuing their interests.
5. 🎥 Democratizing Storytelling Through Access and Impact…0837
- 투비 브랜드 안전과 긴 형식의 스토리텔링을 통해 광범위한 미국 시청자에게 도달하는 선도적인 플랫폼으로 자리매김
- 투비 CEO는 접근성과 긍정적인 사회적 영향력에 대한 플랫폼의 노력을 강조하며, Change.org와 철학적 유사점을 도출.
- 투비는 다양한 스토리텔링을 장려하여 엔터테인먼트에 대한 접근성을 높이고 시청자 경험을 향상시킴으로써 인식과 이해를 변화시키는 것을 목표로 합니다.
- Tubi와 Change.org는 모두 기술을 활용하여 각자의 분야에서 접근성을 민주화하고 스토리텔링과 시민 참여를 통해 긍정적인 변화를 촉진.
- Tubi is positioned as the leading platform for reaching a broad American audience with brand-safe and long-form storytelling.
- The CEO of Tubi emphasizes the platform's commitment to access and positive societal impact, drawing philosophical parallels with
- Tubi promotes diverse storytelling, aiming to change perceptions and understanding by making entertainment widely accessible and enhancing viewer experiences.
- Both Tubi and leverage technology to democratize access in their respective fields, fostering positive change through storytelling and civic engagement.
인터뷰 전문
Welcome back to the C-Space studio here at CES 2025. I am James Kotecki, joined by the CEO of Tubi, Anjali Sood. Thank you so much for joining us today.
Thank you, James. All right, so tell us about Tubi. Folks may know Tubi, they might not, so I'm actually just curious, always to hear people define their own brands.
What is Tubi? Yeah, so Tubi is the most watched free streaming service in America. We have the world's largest collection of movies and TV series. We are 100% free for viewers, and we're entirely ad-supported.
The business has actually been around for over a decade, was sort of started in Silicon Valley, with very deep technology roots, and really just started with this premise that, you know, storytelling should be easy. We should remove barriers, we should make it simple, fun, and frictionless. I'd say over time, what we found is that audiences, particularly younger audiences, are very much interested in these more free, accessible platforms because that's where they're being entertained, via social media and gaming.
So, we've seen real momentum, particularly in the last year, where a lot of folks are really attracted to that value proposition. I think we just announced... that we hit 97 million monthly active users.
Congratulations! And I would say everything I can see is that the momentum continues, because people want that access, they want that choice, and they just appreciate that we make it easy. So, deep tech roots, but meant to feel, philosophically, like "old school TV." Is that philosophically still what you're trying to achieve, or are you able to just blow up the idea of what that even means? Because you can copy that format exactly, but you don't have to. I think our perspective is, we are viewer first.
So, the way we think about it is we are not going to be the arbiters of what is quality storytelling. So, we absolutely, you can find some of the most amazing Hollywood studio-produced movies on Tubi. You can find all of the TV shows and nostalgia viewing that you know.
You can also find hundreds of originals of content that we've gone out and worked with independent distributors to produce, which you can't find anywhere else. And you'll see us; we are experimenting with a lot of different forms and types of content. [
But the through line through all of that is that we are not the arbiters of quality. We let our audience tell us what they want. We are a fan of the fans.
So, if the fans are gravitating towards something, and it can be on Tubi, it can also be on TikTok or Reddit, we will go and create and produce that content and partner with others to bring it. And I will tell you what's been so fascinating about Tubi's momentum: some of the sort of biggest hits on Tubi are content you would never expect in a more traditional media or Hollywood ecosystem. And does that include even the length of the time? So, a traditional TV program is 22 minutes, for example.
Are you able to just play with that? So, we are still long form. So, it is your traditional length of time today. And I will say I see tons of opportunities still in long form.
But I'll give you an example. We have a film on Tubi that was made by a Detroit filmmaker on a homegrown budget. So, he self-funded it, and it's a story about Detroit.
And that's the kind of content that just in Hollywood wouldn't get greenlit; it wouldn't be seen as something that people are going to put marketing dollars against. And that title gets millions of views on Tubi. Another example, we just launched an original where we worked with a TikTok star, Noah Beck, and did a movie of a young adult novel that had 30 million...
Followers on Wattpad, and we created an original of that. We've seen incredible momentum; it's the most viewed, most viewed title in Tubi history. What's fascinating is it's all fans who are going onto social media and creating their own UGC posts, clipping the movie, and it's generating hundreds of millions of views.
So, I think what we're seeing is it's still long form, but what we're trying to do is better understand and reflect culture as it's happening in America, and have a more expansive view of what quality storytelling looks like. It's like you're willing to experiment and kind of mine for gold, and then you can kind of strike it rich at different points because you find these pockets of untapped potential in culture. Yeah, and I think for us, the way we think about it is like, in some ways, we think we're breaking the monoculture.
If you think about programming historically, it's been very monolithic; you're tuning into a show at 8 p.m., and it's one show for everyone. If you think about what's happening now, we can all access content on demand that can be personalized to us. So, it's not about one story for all audiences; it's about helping every story find its...
Audience. And I think that is what's resonating. And the other part is that we just don't judge what's quality; we just let the viewers decide.
I think that is something that younger generations, in particular, crave: authenticity. They want to feel like they have a connection with stories, and they want to feel like it reflects their lived experience. And we're able to sort of do that.
I turn on the TV and see numerous apps, platforms, and streaming options that I can use. As streaming evolves in 2025, how does Tubi fit in? How are you positioned as you see the evolution happening? Yeah, I think the state of streaming is definitely one that I think will continue to evolve. There's simply too much fragmentation, and there's a lot of friction.
You've got tiers, price hikes, and streaming fatigue. What Tubi has generally tried to stay true to is that simplicity and putting the viewer first. Even in today's world, where there's so much competition and so much sort of noise around the attention economy, what we hear from our fans is that Tubi feels refreshing, and it feels different, and it feels weird and wonderful, and the things that they can find.
And so, we see that as... A strength. And so, what you'll expect is, you'll just continue to see Tubi do, we'll kind of zig when others zag.
We'll do things differently, but always through the lens of what we believe audiences want. There's an interesting tension in those ideas of it being such a competitive landscape, but also, you're just finding these pockets of things, and content topics and ideas that no one necessarily thought to explore before. Yeah, I mean, we say it as niche is now core, right? This idea of niche interests and niche fandoms, and that not being interesting, we are very interested in how we can support and grow that.
And like I said, it's been a very competitive market, and yet Tubi's momentum is accelerating. And so, there's something there that is working, that we are very excited to continue to invest in. You mentioned, I can also do some nostalgia viewing on Tubi.
Tell me about licensed content versus original content, and kind of how you philosophize that mix. We have everything.
We have something for everyone. We have a very extensive catalog. I said one of the largest in licensed movies and TV series.
We work with all of the studios. And you'll often find content that will be available on Tubi for... Free while it's also available behind a paid service.
Gossip Girl is a great example, where it's available on Netflix behind a subscription. It's also available on Tubi for free. So, you will see us continue to work with everybody to license content.
We also will distribute a lot of long-tail content. We do it on a revenue share basis, and we kind of are very open to what others might not think is interesting. And then lastly, our originals.
We have produced hundreds of originals. Nearly one in four Tubi viewers watches a Tubi original, so it is an important part of our catalog, but it's not something we don't see it as an either/or. I think what you're going to see from us is just that we're going to continue to provide more and more choice, but also continue to be better and better at content discovery and curation, so that what you see feels like we understand you.
Well, I want to be understood, so that's important. Tell me about how advertisers are responding to this, and what's your message to them? So, I think this last year has been pretty remarkable in terms of, I think Tubi was not known among advertisers.
As we've scaled, we've really started to become an important part of their media mix. And I... Think over half of Fortune 100 brands are advertising on Tubi today.
That's growing. You're going to see us continue to play a bigger role there. What advertisers are most interested in with Tubi, that they can't get anywhere else, is not just the engaged audience, but the incremental audience.
The majority, 65% of our audience, are cordless, so they're either cord cutters, or they never had a cable subscription to begin with. We are the majority Gen Z and millennials, and we over-index among multicultural audiences. Often, it's underestimated audiences where maybe their interests were considered niche, and we've chosen to treat that as really important to invest in.
So, I think what we're finding is a lot of Tubi's audience, they aren't paying for all these other streamers, and they're not on cable. If you want to reach that swath of America, and you want to do it in a brand-safe way with long-form storytelling, Tubi is increasingly the only or number one place to do that at scale. You're going to see us, again, continue to lean into that; that's our strength and our differentiator.
I understand that you're deeply involved with Is that correct? I am; I'm the chairwoman. This is the petition platform online.
Do the ideas behind connect philosophically to what you're doing at Tubi? You know, I think for me, the thing that connects is access and positive impact, right?
I came to Tubi because I do believe in free entertainment, I believe that access is important to storytelling, and I do believe in, you know, obviously we're not curing cancer by putting movies on the internet, but I do believe that we are allowing more diverse stories to be told, and that storytelling is important to change perceptions and understanding in the world.
I think it's often the best part of someone's day, right, to find a show they love; it could be the best part of maybe a bad day, and it's a nice thing to do. It's inherently an emotional medium, and I think it can change hearts and minds., I think, is similar in that it's an open platform, it's really tried to democratize social and civic action, and it's using technology and scale to do that, and obviously looking to do that in a way that creates positive change.
Well, thank you for having a positive conversation with us in the C-Space studio. Anjali Sood, CEO of Tubi, thanks very much. Much.
Thank you. And thank you so much for watching. This is the C-Space studio.
My name is James Kotecki. I'm gonna be having more great conversations just ahead. Don't go anywhere.